
Tuesday 12 May 2015


You run the risk of filling the web pages of many technological fantasies around the IoT as whether to connect an object to the grid was a problem to solve troubling luminaries of some kind of science.In fact it is known how simple and easy, with the availability of the hardware and software current, connect to the network and interact with it for transverse applications. Many M2M applications, since 1997, have been implemented to connect to the Internet but others were born on dedicated networks and proprietary networks.Certain methods and techniques have evolved over time, the same project that is the most important project of telemetry, ENEL / WIND early 2000s, was a first attempt at an embryo IoT. Having had the experience as a consultant SIEMENS and participated in the various phases of the project executive, I can say that 32 million user counters connected to a data collection system, it is a training ground for comparison with various issues of respect.Despite the difficulties, the technologies, the constraints of connectivity (only GSM services WIND), the system remains one of the important projects of telemetry in the world working. At the time called attention even of the same US president (Clinton) because some of the goals that US multinationals had proposed.But applications such wide interest, after decades, are not on the agenda and would be enough to ask for what reasons. Do not market to these applications?Certainly it can not be said that ENEL / WIND is an application IoT as today means but the concept is embryonic and above is the size of a real project IoT.Technically we speak of switched connections "circuit" and not "packages" and many other technological differences related at the time when it is implemented and especially to ENEL specifications / WIND that had to be respected. An up-grade would be desirable perhaps to a concept IoT real with all the innovations that would ensue as services.But putting aside such important projects that "take flight" for reasons not always free market surely wonder why other examples so they did not come.The market for households alone represents a gigantic ground to test innovative services with high impact on the market.Today we would like to connect the world of things, but first you need to connect half the world, even more a part of it would be enough to begin with and perhaps even a thousand things.Attempts to confine possible solutions IoT with connectivity only type "local" limits the range of interest. Too many threads see what the "chip" more suitable or rather what operating system is predestined to become a platform for IoT.History shows that the development of a market is not always just a matter of technology available.The society in which we live does not make allowances for improvisation and fast delivery all that has no "economic significance" to a past tomb.Little investment, few players involved and too many idle chatter if not harmful often condition and / or delay the development of many innovations.A market so important certainly stimulates interests of big "players" capable of attacking international demand innovative "hatching" a few years ago and continuous observations in search of the "real value chain" from merits that we are close to a turning point .Remain on the economic field as that of "fair cost of connectivity" that an application for IoT is still a critical aspect and not just with regard to technology "sponsored".Cost / benefit ratio in respect of the main rules of the market is almost never subject to technological elements.

Saturday 2 May 2015


Internet of Things (IoT) will grow at a rapid pace in the coming years. It estimated a market that will be worth more than 3 billion euro by 2020.

In general, the platform for IoT fall into one of these categories:
1) platforms for managing connectivity
2) platforms for managing devices
3) platforms that enable applications.

The world of the machine to machine (M2M) is gradually moving from vertical solutions designed for a specific purpose to multi-purpose applications and collaborative interacting industries, companies and different people - the real world of the Internet of Things (IoT). It 'hard to make a clear distinction between M2M and IoT, although the term IoT best describes the evolution of the connected devices and the focus of interoperable solutions.

The IoT puts more emphasis on the integration of sensors, devices and information systems across multiple vertical segments and in different companies to transform the business and enable new business models. The IoT is focused on the acquisition of new knowledge dall'analytics on the basis of data from disparate sources to provide support to decision-making and improve products and services.

Friday 24 April 2015


The electronics is now perceived by the general public with two faces: one is sparkling, popular, full of promise. The Anglo-Saxons call Consumer Electronics (Consumer Electronics): we could call it the Electronics showcases.
The other is a little witchcraft. It is the electronics laboratories, similar to hospitals and is therefore vaguely disturbing.
For the Engineer (or would-be), the Electronics comes instead from two scientific cultures that with the "faces" just mentioned have little in common: The Electrical (especially as Theory of Electrical Circuits) and the physics of materials.
In fact, the Electronics studies, designs and manufactures equipment for the processing and transmission of information which consist of circuits comprising electronic devices, artifacts (now reduced size), made from natural materials processed with the application of technologies chemical and metallurgical very complex.
The reference to the two cultures scientific indicates undergone two main directions of activity Electronic Engineer.
The first is primarily concerned with the study and design of products (often hastily called "packets") to meet the demands of operators, which mainly belong to the sectors of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Automatic Control.

The second addresses the technological problems associated with the implementation of the packages themselves and then bordered with solid State Physics and Engineering of Materials.
Both activities are developed side by side, interacting each other, and do not just meet the demands of operators, but help to qualify them through incessant innovation process.
Considering that modern society is now universally known as the information society, it follows that the Electronic Engineering plays an irreplaceable role in society, comparable to that of the central nervous system in the human body.
Engineers study electronic with this awareness, which on one hand makes them sure to find their place in the world of science and technology and the other in promoting their responsibility to take charge of the constant search for a better quality of work and of life.

Sunday 15 June 2014


The industrial future of the Western countries seems surely marked by a strong orientation to models based primarily on continuous innovation of products and processes.
Also offers high-level training (University) is moving increasingly in this direction, offering curricula that are "borderline" with "specialized courses" and with the aim of offering human resources "ready to use".
But the signs of something that does not work are many.
What training can 'be considered "ready" for innovative business models?
What are the marketing models that respond better to the changes that have gone in a few decades from a product orientation to market, and in a not too distant future, to the customer?
Arguments too complex to be addressed and simplified in a few lines.
Limited to the first question, I do not think you can ever make human resource "ready" when the market is evolving rapidly and requires continuous innovation of products and processes.
Even professional bodies are reorganizing models "forcing" a training its members, although in my personal opinion represent an organization "outdated" and preserved in some country.
Personally, I have always believed in a "process of innovation within" that must be "primed" during our first "twenty years" of schooling and should have sufficient propulsion least for the "fifty years" after working and "use" intensive.
For us engineers who want to "ride" the future of innovation this "trigger consists of a good base mathematics with its numerous potential available.
Several times I have had the opportunity to meet with experts on these topics and I am convinced that the road to innovation goes right for these environments.
All we can invent is already invented in a global world that provides the information with a speed that is unprecedented in history.
Then, the fundamentals remain but the systemic approach is always more. System Engineer convinced, I believe in mathematical modeling, traditional or "modern" it is, and it is especially with these tools that you will win in the near future innovation.
The product of the future will be designed for an innovative market with the "modeling" mathematical increasingly oriented research and development. The ICT has every chance to grow again moving towards technological innovation, but it needs to get out of simple concepts, geared almost exclusively to compete with the low cost, to follow the way of the systemic innovation.

Friday 10 August 2012


With great personal satisfaction I present today, the new portal of the ISE WEB APPS M2M. Over 5 years of research have enabled the achievement of objectives of innovation and growth. On this dedicated space, which provides a simple registration, applications will be presented "live" that make a concrete idea of how the world around us can 'be connected to the network. To register, simply login without userid and password and follow the link for other applications. A new world awaits us! a world that wants to interact with us through Ext universal connections to the Internet allowing all to have everything "in the palm of your hand" and finger swipe. ISE has achieved technological objectives that help maintain the reference position for those wanting to "shake hands with the future." The real innovation, practical, useful, allowing you to "make new markets."

Friday 1 June 2012


ISE, leader Europeo della Wireless Engineering, ha prototipato i primi sistemi reali a dimostrazione che il mondo che ci circonda puo' essere "facilmente" connesso alla rete internet per un dialogo semplice e completo a portata di "mano". Di seguito un link dove si può verificare in tempo reale, a scopo di esempio anche per una "vera" domotica, il movimento dettagliato di un cancello :


ISE, European leader of Wireless Engineering, has prototyped the first systems to demonstrate that the real world that surrounds us can 'be "easily" connected to the internet for a simple dialog and complete at your "hand". Below is a link where you can verify in real time, for the purpose of example for a "real" home automation, the detailed movement of a gate:

Ing. Giuseppe PITTARI - ISE R&D Lab - - +39 3486030288.